Auto Loans: How Much Car Can You Afford?

How much money have you stashed away to meet your evolving transportation needs? Are you planning to trade in a vehicle that you currently own? Exactly how good (or bad) is your credit? A wide range of financial factors can affect your target price range as you search...

Why You Should Have a Savings Account

According to Bankrate, it’s estimated that nearly 30 percent of all Americans don’t have any sort of emergency savings account. Furthermore, about 25 percent do have a savings account, but not enough funds in it to cover at least three months’ worth...

Notice Regarding Stimulus Payments

If you have any questions regarding your stimulus payment, you must consult the IRS. Below is a link to the IRS stimulus resource page: When will I receive my payment? There is no way of knowing when you will receive your...

How to Invest Your Money: Ways to Build Wealth in 2021

The financial choices that we make now can have effects, both positive and negative, for decades to come. By consciously making the decisions that will build a strong foundation for wealth, we can look forward to a comfortable retirement and a secure future. This is a...

New Year’s Day

All of our Offices will be closed Friday, January 1, 2021