How You Can Spend Money Wisely in Emergencies
Right now, the entire world is having to think about the emergency savings they have in order to provide food for their family and keep the lights on. In a pandemic, or any other emergency, it is extremely important to be extra careful about the money you are...
How to Properly Track Your Spending
It is important to track the money you spend on a regular basis. Daily, weekly, monthly and also yearly. Tracking your spending will make sure you are aware of overspending and where you can cut back to keep from overspending in the future. Here are some helpful tips...
Top Financial Tips You Should Know before You’re 30
Top Financial Tips You Should Know before You’re 30 30 is that age when you really are an adult. Your 20’s are the times you are most likely going to have a little more fun and still be a bit immature. 30 is when all of the responsibilities hit and you start...
1099 INT Instructions
Instructions for Recipient The information provided may be different for covered and noncovered securities. For a description of covered securities, see the Instructions for Form 8949. For a taxable covered security acquired at a premium, unless you notified the payer...
Caller ID Spoofing
Caller ID Spoofing Scammers are learning new ways to get your information every day. One of the latest is using Caller ID Spoofing. When you get a phone call, the caller ID may show our phone number BUT it is not Firefighters Credit Union calling, it is only made to...
Do you need a financial mentor?
Walking through your everyday life you might not realize how much irresponsible spending and living without a budget can impact your financial wellness. In the age of credit cards, PayPal, Venmo, and Apple Pay, spending money on frivolous things has never been easier....
Sensible spending in the summer
As the warm weather moves in, so do vacation plans, higher energy bills, more time in the car (and at the gas pump), and new clothing to be bought. It can be hard to save money, let alone keep a budget with all of the exciting things that summer brings. But, it...
Take the Headache out of Home Buying
Whether you are living in an apartment day-dreaming of a yard or a homeowner that has out-grown their space. You might be finding yourself settling in your current surroundings because you don’t want to deal with the hassle of applying for a mortgage. We understand...
Wednesday January 30th
For the Safety and Security of our Members and Employees we have made the decision to close all branches tomorrow, Wednesday January 30th. Stay inside and stay warm. Please take advantage of our mobile banking and shared branching services.
1099 INT Instructions
Instructions for Recipient The information provided may be different for covered and noncovered securities. For a description of covered securities, see the Instructions for Form 8949. For a taxable covered security acquired at a premium, unless you notified the payer...