Online banking allows you to manage your money straight from your phone or computer! This is convenient in everyday life, but during emergencies it can be essential to access your financial account without going into the bank. There is no need to visit a bank if you do not have to. With online banking, you are only one click away from knowing your account balance and transferring your money to another account. Online banking is also a free and easy way to track your spending more accurately. Here are just some of the many benefits of utilizing online banking!
Deposit checks: Take a picture of your check through the online banking app and deposit it straight into your account. There is no need to visit your bank or mail in a check, everything can be done in minutes through your phone. You can have the money deposited into your account within a day or two.
View history: Curious how much your paycheck was? Wondering if your check cleared? You can now view all transactions online through your bank’s website and app. You no longer have to wonder how much money is left in your account. You have full access to all your account history with just a couple of clicks.
Open accounts: In the past, you had to sit with a banker in person to open a new checking or savings account. Now with electronic signature capabilities, you can open a new account in less than 10 minutes! You don’t have to wait for normal business hours to make any changes to your bank account.
Pay bills: Instead of writing checks to pay bills, your bank can do it for you. Transferring money online through your bank is a safe and secure process that is done in seconds. Authorize checks to be sent to anyone, from babysitters to utilities. Set up reoccurring payments and monitor their status safely and securely online.
Transfer funds: If you need to transfer money from your checking account to your savings account, you don’t have to go into the bank. It is easy to transfer money right away through your bank’s website or online banking app. Always make sure you have enough money in your account and know how much is in there within seconds.
Apply for loans: You don’t need to spend an hour filling out an intensive loan application. Applying for loans is a speedy online process that will send your information immediately, check your credit and give you an answer for your loan within days!
Online banking is just as safe as traditional banking. Federal laws often protect you if fraud or errors do occur. Keep your computers and devices up to date with your information. Use passwords that would be very difficult to guess! As long as you know who you are sending your money to online, you should experience no problems with online banking. Gain financial control, stay home and bank online efficiently!